June 24 is the Day Fairy or the Fairy days. The date was chosen by an artist that fans of the fairy world know: Jessica Galbreth.
The "day of fate" was created to unite all those who believe in the little fairy people.
The world of fairy tales for children, but even our most intimate secrets shelters, places for us magic, in which we relive our childhood and our openness to the world that goes beyond the material.
There was a time where humans and fairies lived together peacefully but humans, increasing, prospering, soon became more cynical, more attached to the material and the wars, the fights grew .. it was then that the fairies decided to go to a parallel world, where peaceful living in harmony with nature and with the four elementi: fuoco, aria, terra e acqua.
Spiriti che solo un’anima pura e semplice può ancora vedere e che invece tutti sentiamo…a volte… quando sembra che qualcuno ci osservi, ci protegga o ci avvolga di energia positiva… le fate non hanno perso il contatto con noi, lo mantengono con un sottilissimo filo invisibile ma perenne.
In America viene festeggiato in diversi modi, ognuno può scegliere il più adatto: chi si dedica ai bambini, chi usa la giornata per l’introspezione, per meditare ed entrare in contatto with the creatures, to be in the nature or sharing with loved ones and fans of hours to talk, discuss and experience the magic in the group.
Hidden Worlds is a website dedicated to the fairies and the magical creatures which are often accompanied, unicorns, dragons, elves ... and that is why the staff is organizing, in line with American tradition, a day of the fairies in order to meet fans, exchange ideas, meet collectors from all over Italy and celebrate together with music, enchanted creatures and talk ... (Padova) ... If you want to join the site is http://www.mondinascosti.it/