Well, yes.
I recently read a book (a little 'dated in real life) entitled "The prophecies of the Maya", written by Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell.
According to the Maya there were five eons, each dominated by a different God
The previous four eras (Water, Air, Fire and Earth) would all end with the huge environmental upheavals.
Some scholars argue that the first civilization - that
destroyed by water - was Atlantis. In the Popol Vuh of the Quiche Maya, reads: "A flood was caused by the Heart of Heaven ...
a heavy resin fell from heaven .. the face of the earth grew dark,
and a black rain fell on it at night and day ".
Already this theory itself was really interesting. It was assumed fact that Atlantis was a continent apart, there are approximately between 12,000 BC and 9,000 BC
And, realizing rising seas (coincidentally the historical period coincides with the melting of glacial ice after the second), a part of its inhabitants fled, some colonizing Africa and part of the Americas.
We find traces of the actual existence of Atlantis in the texts of Plato, who called it "a land beyond the Pillars of Hercules, technologically advanced, from the colonial invasion that we Europeans were saved after a huge natural disaster that swept way ".
(can not remember the exact words, but the bottom line is this.)
Other ages ended in a storm (because the wind, and hurricanes), the liquid fire (volcanoes) and the earth (earthquakes).
According to the Mayan calendar, the current Golden Age (the fifth), will end in 2012.
The Maya were obsessed with time, as convinced that it was cyclical. And that the same influence and the same consequences as a repetition in any given period in history.
was Diego de Landa - the first and most comprehensive West to come into contact and further exploring the Mayan culture - to write in his diary: "Could they (the Maya) to calculate their ages beautifully, and so it was easy for an old with whom I happened to speak, to remember a tradition that goes back three hundred years before. Anyone who has brought order to their calculation of the katun, was the devil, it did so with an accuracy never before equaled. "
Incidentally, I note, a katun corresponds to a time of about 20 years.
With Dresden Codex (one of three surviving Mayan codices - by a miracle - to the fury of the English conquest, which we know he unfortunately scorched earth of the entire Mayan culture) we know that the Maya were excellent astronomers, well ahead of that of the Europeans' era.
They knew predict eclipses, they knew the synodic period of Venus, they could predict the motion of the constellation of Orion, the Pleiades, they knew the time reversal of the geomagnetic field and the cyclical nature of sunspots (seee hello, thanks, we still believed that the earth was flat !!!).
But where does this knowledge (discharged, because it entered in the Dresden Codex)?
And here we return to the hypothesis of the inhabitants of Atlantis, which landed in the Americas, bringing "a large part of their legends, knowledge, religious traditions. It 'actually a bit' difficult otherwise to explain the existence of archaeological or demi representing people with features typically African (black skin, lips and pronounced jaw, etc) in a red-skinned people, who should never have had any contact overseas, right? And Plato
how did he know of the existence of this land, in a time when there was the limit of the "Pillars of Hercules", and in his writings also speak explicitly of the fact that the earth was not flat but that could be make the full circle?
addition, demonstrating the intelligence of the Maya, they were using different calendars.
One was 365 days (yes, calendar year, SAY 'NOT KNEW THAT THE SUN was going around the earth but rather the opposite, that the cycle USED 365 DAYS).
Then there was the Long Count, for the description of longer periods of time, based on the movements of the planet Venus. They divided the time into a series of cycles that began the birth of Venus (ie 'KNEW he was born VENUS, NOTE WELL, WHAT REAL), and each cycle lasted 1 million and 872 000 days.
This calendar is so precise, made by astronomers who were also priests, philosophers and scientists, that the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 occurred with 33 seconds slower than the time required by the Maya, forecast made around 3000 BC!
(......... exalts us and we Europeans have discovered gunpowder ..........)
The cycle we are now experiencing began August 13 the year 3114 BC and will end December 22, 2012 AD. The Maya were quite sure of the current cycle and were equally convinced that it was the last. When the world will have completed this cycle, they said, will end in disastrous floods, earthquakes and fires: a scenario very similar to the prophecies of the New Testament.
It 's easy to see why this prophecy of the Maya has so impressed the people of today. If you try to imagine a cause of destruction of the planet the first thing that comes to mind is global warming: rise of the oceans, etc. .. But many other possibilities come to mind: the fall of a meteorite, frightening eruptions. And there are also those who imagine that the water will invade the world, this new fifth element can be given off by the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (the accelerator cell CERN), which - coincidentally - is about to begin in Geneva, and will be fully effective right around 2012 ... According to the researchers
Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, the cataclysms that marked the end of the Mayan Ages were caused by a reversal of the geomagnetic field due to a shifting of the planet. In fact, the Earth would undergo a periodic variation of the axial to the plane of the solar system dell'ellittica. This would lead to apocalyptic scenarios, as described by the historian Immanuel Velikvosky in his book "Earth in Upheaval."
"... An earthquake would shake the entire globe. Air and water moves continuously to inertia, the Earth would be swept by hurricanes and the seas would invest continents ... The temperature becomes hot, the rocks would be liquefied, volcanoes erupt, lava flowing from cracks in the ground split open, covering large areas. Sprang up from the plains to the mountains, which continue to rise superimposed on the slopes of the mountains, causing faults and other huge cracks. I would be inclined
lakes and emptied, rivers would change their course, large tracts of land would be submerged by the sea with all their inhabitants. The forests were devoured by fire and hurricanes and strong winds tore off the ground ... The sea, abandoned by the waters, would be transformed into a desert. And if the shift of the was accompanied by a change in the speed of rotation, the equatorial waters of the oceans retreated towards the poles and high tides and hurricanes sweep the Earth from pole to pole.
The shifting of the climate would change in any place ...
In the case of a rapid movement of the Earth, many species of animals on Earth and in the sea would be destroyed, and civilization, if it still existed, it would be in ruins. "
The scenario suggested by Velikovsky, presupposes the end of life on planet earth. For people who are ignorant of physics can seem overwhelming. Some would say rant, but I assure you that such events are commonplace in the universe of day. In addition, an asteroid large enough to hit our planet in order to evoke this kind of scenario. The absurdity is that all this would be natural. What is not natural to believe that it is impossible. I'm sure if he had an awareness of how fragile and precarious existence on this planet would lose the illusion of being invincible.
Velikovsky, in addition to follow in the Maya legends, scientifically exposes the prophecies of Monaco Basil Cotterell, and according to his studies on the activity of sunspots and the Mayan calendar has concluded that the prophecy concerning the end of the fifth was the result of a calculation of the next reversal of the geomagnetic field, WHO WILL BE 'TRULY scientifically established in December 2012.
short, so on and so forth. But I think that all this would simply lead to one conclusion: better to study the great Mayan culture, that of a terrible and mysterious people, about which our knowledge is still very low ...
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