Not all contingencies are only to break the boxes, this is one of those cases! The first race was delayed, with regret of all, but arrived a day in Carpi, decidedly "Red Flames!
Departure from those of Sant 'Agostino all still in bed with one leg but with a strong desire to be in the company of our team.
's more is no shortage of supporters, including our official photographer! So we all go!

The secret of a good trip is to listen to good music, playing with fellow next ... but even with people along the way! But even improvise anything, even the way! Sailors do not make us not care for us, between chestnut and poplar trees in the hills near Modena there is no one stops, the caravan of Motocross proceeds undaunted!
get on track, you can park and begin the ritual pre-training: those who put up the tents (in anticipation of the meal!)

who puts others even affixed to the bike

and the performer dances in particular not that strip!

Well, normal if you think about ...
Okay by now we are ready, go! The track is critical
cabbage! Holes everywhere, slippery points (especially in the early afternoon) but it goes to throttle!

has already started the brawl worthy of comment as the champions of the world!

C 'is, however, who, however, prefers to explore better the ground quietly, without venturing any gesture.

jumps from fourth full are the daily bread for motocross, chimeras between the earth and hawks enraged bulls in clouds, without fear you go over!

and fun, the 'ingredient that never ends: in small packages they say that there is good wine, but there n' is poor! Well, if our wine is the pleasure of being together, then we have always packed a cement mixer!
the temperature rises and then comes lunch time and is now a "siesta". The break begins with the classic "fool" the cap of a bottle of Bonarda offered by our Grazianone! E "z to vin!"

The afternoon is that bad breaks 's abbiocco he takes and you do not spring any more, but there' s the solution and who does not miss anything! You'd think now, creatine ... Of course not! It seemed like the Monster Kawasaki Team America, but Red Flames! It seems
"paper sings," but in this case ... a word to the wise!

jokes, stories of men who made the cross and quant 'other, scerza and "we tell it." At one point the phrase 'power by the desire to hack, "Come on, andegna to zirar?!"
Then you fasten the boots yet, and you're off the gas for a really hot afternoon!

shame that someone decided to rest again, lying in the middle of the track: poor Sante! The other hand, the perils of battle-hardened mud and curves obscured by the dust travel at a rate of overtaking, "scrubbatine" (one test) and braking that are becoming increasingly challenging due to the track now exhausted.

At one point they pull the oars in the boat and yet we become spectators of motocross, which is always good butcher while you watch others and make comments rite!

It then starts toward the house, only that at this point you should make a remark: Team Red Flames is never able to make a way 'round it's the same back! This is the factor "K" ("Ka $ $ or we miss a turn, come back!") That we do not budge! The Return arts, Marce to Esni was a 'allungatoia! Funny though! All the people along the road greeted us: motococlisti, young, old and girls! All responded to greet you with open mouth, but why? Mah .. :-)
Tired from the long day we get home, but we would not even say goodbye to continue to laugh together, to continue living style Red Flames!
the next guys!
The Management ...
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