Monday, May 31, 2010

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The party's regional tournament at 7 experimental Pontassieve / Pelago: Maliseti for 3 wins, 1 draw and 2 defeats. Sixteen finalists, representing the ten provincial delegations of Tuscany: a Pontassieve Bucine Capostrada, Ania Mediavalle Furnaces, Young Juventus, Grignanese, New Grosseto, Sporting and Sporting Massese Arno; Amiatina in Pelago, Bagno a Ripoli, Nine Livorno, Lucca, Maliseti, Covered Margin, The Marina and Port St. Mary.

At the end of the day, the parade of the sixteen finalists in the streets of the old town of Pontefract, then the awards ceremony in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (to be reported for art enthusiasts, the exhibition "Fra Angelico to Pontefract. Paintings and sculptures Florentine Renaissance "in the Town Hall, Hall of Columns). Fabio Bresci intervened, Chairman of the Tuscan Regional LND-FIGC (who "played" at home, being of Rufina), Vasco Brogan, vice president, Paul Mangini, President of the Tuscany Regional Youth Department and School, as well as Marco Mairago, young mayor of Pontefract, and Manuel Pieraccioni, Deputy Mayor and Councillor sport of Pelago.

Pictured: from left. Prof.Marcello Gori Coll.Tecnico Research Center, Mr. Daniel Caputo Coll.Tecnico, Bertini Sig.Simone Technical Coll, Alfredo Andreaggi Coll reg. FIGC Tuscany, Prof Resp Vinicio Papini proven techniques Fi.


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Interview with Regional President Toscano

yesterday at the party held at the Stadium for the party Pelago REGIONAL BEGINNERS 98 was done an interview with the Regional President Fabio Toscano Sig.Bresci which claims to be happy because this is the first time this type of event is done in the territory of Pelago and Pontefract has been a success for the organization of the Society for Pelago the sports facility that is enviable to other sports much more grandi.Continua saying that the party is of Tuscany in the Square which will see the closure of Pontefract with the awarding of any company.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

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The Return of Jimmy Jump

Jimmy Jump Strikes Back. This time, his stage is not a great sporting event, but the stage gala of 'Eurovision was held in Oslo, with the aim of impeding the implementation of the English representative, Daniel Digest. The well-known troublemaker, wearing a hat with the colors of the Catalan has been for a few seconds until it was removed from service sicurezza.E 'success in the middle of the execution of Digest, which with the song "Algo pequeño", chosen to represent Spain at the famous concert where they performed the representatives of all nations europee.Il singer has not split and continued to sing with Jimmy to be part of his choreography to the members of the security of the show have reached the stage uninvited and escorted out of the jump is a studioJimmy Catalan, famous for having invaded the football field, tennis and other events followed worldwide as the Olympics, where he dived into the Olympic pool. Eurovision was a predictable target, not in vain up to 120 million people are glued to the TV to see their artists represented.

Monday, May 24, 2010

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DATE: Sunday, May 30, 2010

PLACE ': Pontefract / Pelago (Fi)

TEAMS: n.16 FI3-AR1-L2-pi1-Si1-Po2-Gr1-MS2-LI1-Pt2

Fields: N2
Pontassieve Stadium - Stadium Municipal Stadium Pelago


Municipal Stadium PELAGO GIRONEB:

Meeting time: 9:00 am
meeting of the eight teams in their assigned fields.
9:45 pm start of the races on the two playing fields.
all teams that form a round will play each other (round robin) with matches lasting 20 min. each (one time).

Friday, May 21, 2010

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The Busi leaves Rai 1

LONDON - Maria Luisa Busi surrender the conduct of Tg1 . She writes in a letter that - it turns out - has posted on the board of editors. Three folders and a means of explaining the reasons for its decision. One of the most famous edition of the nightly news Rai1 states no longer recognize the header, and declares that if a journalist has the only means of protecting its prerogatives professional to remove your signature, a conductor can only remove his face. So she decided to do, leaving the management of Tg1 20.

THE CLASH - Busi's decision comes after a series of clashes with the director of head Augusto Minzolini. An open conflict for some time, especially since the newspaper, send Aquila February 21 (at the protest of the wheelbarrow) and challenged on the spot, shouting "scodinzolini Tg1," said: "I can not answer general information Tg1 that gave these ten months of the earthquake. "

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Ibra at Real?

Champions League, even in Spain we march on. What if they go
Ibra is obvious, but that seems impossible to go to Real ...
but not so much. His contract paid him Possoni few (let's say that we can count on one hand: Real, Man City, Chelsea and United may, but leaving out integer that can not) already last year, Ibrahim was one of the Galacticos possible, but virtually forced to buy Ronaldo and Kaka did not let another 70 million. is it true?

to the Real Madrid have offered the hiring of Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Miguel Serrano publishes the response of those responsible for the club as soon as White was blunt: "Thanks but no thanks."

The chronology of events began just last week when the league ends and begins filtering Barcelona that the recruitment of David Villa is closed. So Ibrahimovic agent, Mino Raiola, he conveys the intention of the Catalan club to transfer the Swedish striker, so it is given carte blanche to seek offers that may be interesting. Mino Raiola

out his mobile phone and gets down to work. As he did Moratti last season when, at the request of José Mourinho, Ibrahimovic put on the market, the agent of Real Madrid Swedish call and offers the services of his client. At Real Madrid the call cause much surprise and some astonishment. The offer was flatly rejected

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1040 years in prison for etarra responsible for the attack at Villa

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The prosecutors also requested that the three suspected terrorists with 500,000 euros to compensate each family of the murdered
The condemned this morning at each of the alleged ETA Martin Sarasola Igor Portu and Mikel San Sebastián to 1,040 years in prison for the attack December 30, 2006 at Terminal 4 (T-4) Barajas airport that killed two Ecuadorians, Diego Armando Estacio and Carlos Alonso Palate .

The court considered the three defendants guilty of two counts of terrorist murder (for which imposes a penalty of 30 years in prison for each), 48 counts of murder attempted terrorist (punishable by 20 years in prison each) and one count of havoc, which 20 years increases the penalties applied, as requested in the trial the prosecutor Daniel Campos. In addition, they are forced to pay reparations of 700,000 euros to the family of one of the dead, and 500,000 to the other.
In its final conclusions, Daniel Campos, the Public Prosecutor asked the court, presided by Judge Alfonso Guevara, to issue a guilty verdict against those allegedly responsible for planting the bomb that "skewed the life" of two persons, " did blow up the hope of many citizens who saw ETA's violence could come to an end. " Campos argued that there is "no doubt" that Sarasola, Portuguese and San Sebastian are "perpetrators of this atrocious crime," because "a rich, strong, independent and university proof" of their participation.
Attorney rose from 900 to 1,120 years the penalties sought for each of the three defendants, concluding that there were 52 wounded in the blast and not the 41 that initially estimated. Campos asked 20 years in prison for each of the victims based on charges of murder and attempted murder.
In the explosion, two months before the end of the permanent ceasefire that ETA had declared in March 2006, killing all Ecuadorians Diego Armando Estacio and Carlos Alonso Palate. In its written provisional indictment, prosecutors considered that the three ETA members are responsible for two crimes of murder accomplished terrorist, a terrorist havoc and 41 of attempted murder in connection with the number of people injured by the explosion.
The prosecutors also requested that the three suspected terrorists with 500,000 euros to compensate each family of the murdered

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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T4 to barcelona!

!!!!! Mamma mia che colpo
Barcelona David Villa, il giocatore perfetto per giocare Accanto Messi.


It's official. It conducted the MARCA on 30 April, the first major signing of the 2010-2011 season just closed. According to Manuel Llorente confirmed in a press conference after the extraordinary meeting of the Policy Valencia's David Villa and Barcelona's new player, which eventually will pay 40 million euros for the striker Asturias. Villa

be submitted tomorrow, Thursday, relevant medical examination before being presented as new Barca player on Friday. The Spaniard, who will wear his jersey the '7 ', vacant since the departure of Eidur Gudjohnsen, signed for four seasons with an option for a fifth. The presentation of 'Guaje' is scheduled for 13:30 pm in Room Paris. Afterwards, jump to the Nou Camp turf in a session open to all the fans of Barcelona.

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Olympics, chose Rome!


's official: Rome is the Italian candidate to organize the Olympic Games in 2020. The National Council voted on the application of the Capital: 68 in favor 1 against and 1 abstention. The final decision will be taken at the IOC Congress in Buenos Aires in July 2013.

"We note the vote of the cones, which we believe is unsatisfactory both in substance and in method." These are the words of the President of Veneto Region Luca Zaia, after the decision of the cones give Roma the Italian candidate for the 2020 Olympics. "We are absolutely convinced - he added - that the proposal has not been held in Venice due consideration and that, instead, could be a serious news for the quality that it expresses. We are confident that Venice, the capital of the universal beauty, is the best ambassador for our whole country in the world. "Zaia does not exclude formal interventions elsewhere." Guarantees - he said - that now the entire documentation spulcerò personally item by item , disclosing the numbers, accounts and promises that are the basis of a wrong choice but to believe is a euphemism. A north penalized so heavily - said Zaia - certainly will not help the cause you'd want to fix beforehand.

al'unanimità The Board decided to award the following scores: 32.3 out of 35 Roma which is the maximum Venice on 35 and 20.1. Then a considerable gap with Venice that has not passed the minimum requested by the IOC. Now we are going to vote, but the success of Rome is granted only because the National Council will vote on the draft of the Capital. The evaluation of the Board was in decimals of 9.2 and 5.7 for Rome to Venice, rejected by the IOC evaluation criteria.

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killed an Italian photojournalist in Bangkok


An Italian photojournalist of 45 years died in the offensive end of the Thai army against the red shirts in Bangkok, which led to the surrender of the rebels loyal to former premier Thaksin Shinawatra. In the fighting, there were four others dead and 18 wounded. Among the latter there are two other foreign journalists, one American and one Dutch, whose conditions are not severe.

Polenghi Fabio, Milan, was three months in Thailand on behalf of a European magazine. He was hit by bullets to the heart and stomach while he was in the area of \u200b\u200bSaladeng, one kilometer from the garrison of red shirts, and died before arrival at hospital. Although there was still no official recognition, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini confirmed the news of the death of our compatriot, but not to report the name.

The offensive and yield
This morning a thousand soldiers are advanced with the tanks breaking through the barricade erected in Silom and penetrated into the camp where they were the last 2 thousand rioters. Some soldiers have come from underground railway tracks elevated Skytrain. Only at the beginning there was some resistance, with shots and throwing Molotov cocktails, then the army was made easy street with tear gas. A few hours after the red shirts have announced the surrender eel'esercito said operations are completed after the arrest of four leaders of the revolt. One of them, Nattawut Saiku, had called on the rest demonstrators to head the National Stadium where they were arrested and taken away on board buses.

The offensive ended a six-week occupation of the commercial district of Bangkok by the red shirts, demanding new elections. In the clashes of the last six days have been more than 40 dead. Exile the former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra raised the specter of an armed uprising. "There is a theory that states that the military repression can spread rabies and these people will become angry guerrillas," said the magnate.

bag flames
After the leaders of the revolt were arrested, others red shirts have launched guerrilla warfare in the capital and other parts of the country. The stock market and the largest shopping center in Bangkok were on fire. The fire has been started on the first floor of the stock market and an area of \u200b\u200bCentral World, the second commercial center of Southeast Asia. Shortly before the news had reached 2 thousand red shirts that had set fire to the headquarters of the provincial government of Udon Thoni, north-east of the country. The army imposed a curfew from 20 till 6 in the morning, across Bangkok.

tv station on fire: 100 evacuated people
During the violence red shirts, the headquarters of the TV Channel 3 has been set on fire and were trapped in about 1o0 people. The means of firefighters arrived on site to tame the fire was attacked by rioters. After several minutes of panic, the broadcaster's employees were evacuated with the help of helicopters.

Special Programming on TV
A government spokesman announced that the Thai TV will now broadcast a special news programming and programs authorized by the military. The measure, said the spokesman, "will allow the population to be better informed. " Currently, broadcasters are continuing with the news coverage of events, while others have already started to offer video in sequence, lauding the national reconciliation.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

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Portugal, legal gay marriage

source: loop

The President of the Republic of Portugal Anibal Cavaco Silva has announced that it has signed a law that would legalize gay marriage. The law was approved by parliament on 11 February Lusitanian. The President made the announcement in a televised statement to the country. The head of state, former leader of the Conservative Party Psd, had to decide by tomorrow whether to promulgate the law or put its veto and send it back before Parliament

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Nothing World Ballack!


ugly tile for Germany, losing sight of their captain in South Africa 2010 . are in fact worse than expected conditions of the right ankle of Michael Ballack . The German midfielder, hit hard by compatriot Kevin-Prince Boateng during the FA Cup final between Chelsea and Portsmouth , will miss the World Cup .

was announced by the German Football Association with an official statement. The absence of Ballack joins those of Simon Rolfes and goalkeeper Rene Adler. Michael Ballack does not hide his disappointment: "I am very disappointed - he said - is a frustrating situation . Have a news like three weeks before the World Cup is terrible. "

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Guardiola, "With Real Mourihno to have fun"

Sempre a Guardiola signore ..

Barcelona coach, Pep Guardiola , said today, after the match against Valladolid (4-0), which has confirmed the league title for his team, the behavior of Madrid, his great rival in the title fight, "has been exemplary," while also claimed "the effort and work" of his players.

Guardiola's first words to reporters as the recipient had to "coach and players of Real Madrid, who congratulated for having" dignified profession and his club " . "They have a huge season. The only thing that happens is that another team has been a little better. But I want to congratulate them because they have had an exemplary behavior" he said. In its assessment of the season, Guardiola has lamented that the club has had to fight against various attacks-sporting ( "we felt slighted" ) most of them involving alleged favors arbitration.

"It's a shame, I feel bad because when the Madrid wins, it will be because he has been better. Speaking of arbitrators to help does not do well in this sport, but that is not Real Madrid, because the club is exemplary. have speakers is simply great. only ask you not to attack us and to recognize the effort of this team he argued. "We had to hear things that do not touch, but we made the ant to reach the final" he added. Barça coach insisted that his team "has competed well" despite feeling attacked. "Without the Real Madrid would not have gotten 99 points, with a coach as good and some impressive players. We had very little to fail to win the league" , recalled.

Barcelona coach has a "high note" to the season of their team "even though we lacked the finishing touch to reach the final of Champions" . Guardiola also stressed that a key to success has been "we all have felt a" during the season and that public support has aupado the team. "Last year 50,000 people came this year, 80,000" recalled. The club has finished as league champion, but also the top scorer and Zamora, which the Catalan club had never accomplished. "This indicates that there is much rigor of work, there are many people working behind it and that without solidarity is not got nothing," he said.

Guardiola knew that Barca would win the league "after booting a field point of Espanyol (0-0)" and pointed out that despite the club's elimination from the Champions League, "he recovered well, although we knew we would have to win every game. " Guardiola insisted that the boat is full template "good people", which constitutes "a very easy to wear clothing" and above all, with a "motivated amateur, in the sense that these guys love to play football and compete" . Asked about the possibility that Jose Mourinho will become the new coach of Real Madrid, Pep has followed suit a reporter and replied that "sure we'll have fun if you come Mourinho .

On Messi, coach stressed that it is "the best I've seen, something unique" . The Argentine has scored 34 goals in league and 47 in overall season. Looking ahead, Guardiola has not dared to set limits on your computer. "It is always better, but now needs to rest and think about workforce planning," he said in an appearance before the media, who gave him a sounding ovation when he left the press room.


League is finished and Madrid Pellegrini has been unable to win anything . The Chilean coach has failed to take the helm of the white bench Fracaso y esta temporada goes to the expensive. Tal y como Punta El Diario MARCA en su Edición de este lunes , "Manolo" holds contadas las horas.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

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06/06/10 A Pair of 3 hours "

Sunday 9 was held three hours of the race in pairs on the circuit was created specifically to Canda. Just behind a small industrial area was built on 3500 meters of tape that held the audience in suspense and has instead made to sweat (a lot!) Participants! A lap 5 minutes! It takes a big heart and lots of wind, I can guarantee!
However, come to us, our stoic pilots Ciccio and arts have participated in the race to the event by bringing their bikes to the limits of endurance. Identified with the number 1 (and sorry if it is little!) Have not missed out on some of the time of registration! In the morning, therefore, free trials, just one turn to become familiar with the circuit and warm up your muscles before departure.
The track is a very good condition, a soft and tough terrain with curves where the supports guaranteed a 'good mileage and above all fun!
Curve, so many curves and some "hump" similar to that found in the ski jump were cross bread for those three hours, but must were straight from the fifth full! To be able to go strong to the curve that followed was surely not difficult ... The hard part was "as strong"! It touched 100 km / h only tell you that! They start with the full
our drivers ... Artio full course part of Heineken while Ciccio is limited to 'grams on intake of grams of creatine in the week before the race! Details!
From start to "dance" that is immediately duetempista the other drivers leaning on the first corner "doubtful" in doubt, reverse to "get it wider and spans the pile.
for him too but there's trouble in the stretch of the "grove" (away from the camera), a pond flanked by network offers little room to pass, especially because the channel now blends have revealed the roots of trees and stones. The flag-waver is not so much concerned to report any falls but always prepares the camera to capture the unfortunate crash of the rider! Ciccio
passes the paddock, raise your hand, the signal: "Artio prepared!"

Honda rider turns on the tractor and prepares well.
And here is one of the most exciting moments of this competition: the change! A series of moves that must be perfectly synchronized: who waits stretching his arm to remove the hook with witness, who descends from the round stops in position favorable to his companion who waits, then tripping, hooking their bike and go full throttle for the next 20 minutes!

A sequence that is almost always cause for panic and rushed between the two motorcyclists! There is calm, all is "breathing down his neck" in those moments!

Artio also starts to throttle and sling in his 250 from its best!

Mouthfuls thrilling gas, backfires limiter on the straights and endless! It 'nice to see how a race, out of our habits, the participants make them smile so much! Is tired true, but in those panting is the whole spirit of modern life in motion, cross in our case!

The public seems to appreciate a lot and no shortage of fans at the track by encouraging, cheering, scolding and so on and so forth! The family is involved in these events, especially!

Being enduro riders will also see the official team and handle ... Eh! They have so much! There also were broken, or the inconvenience! The rudimentary to straighten a bent exhaust pipe would scare (if not turn the stomach) to a motorcycle maniac! We saw tire levers leverage on the engine to straighten the 'expansion!
But luckily there 'who is merely at the click of difference with the classic screwdriver!

were also seen so many bikes, especially bikes: the 250 2 days of the '90s! A few daring made them roar for a good 3 hours, music to our ears!

Our two runners change every 20 minutes ... But his strength began to fail and sometimes the 'error strikes! Leans on the ground or off the bike. Little things, but it goes on! Stubborn, to the end of the round at least!

Arrives Marcello to act as moral supporter and "mechanical" ... Its task is indeed to hold the bike rider who has removed from the round and then pay for his supplies and set up for the next round. Some even committed to making pictures: Elena is always at the TOP!

extremely happy, although they destroyed the two RF Team finish the race finishing in 12th place overall, not bad for the novices in this kind of competition! But the thing that matters is the pork that the bar is cutting a ribbon! Artio he jumps on me greedy ... Ciccio had aprofittato the succulent sandwich at lunch ... That's why he wanted to start and close the competition! The team orders were that he should begin to end the companion on the 4-stroke ...

But no ... zanzarino sang the 125 till the end!

Good both for the obstinacy proved, 's commitment and strength! Do not underestimate the 'good example of "living the competition" with the unmistakable style of the Red Flames!

Greetings to all you readers cybernauts, the next one!

The Management ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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Termination of contract or dual? Sunday, 09/05

Again Marcello is talked about: a Campogalliano the Kawasaki pilot ran with a bike that was not his. Yes, after the great disappointment of the first race, the driver riding the Green decided to try out new "tools". This time there is a frame of 'latest generation of aluminum but still a steel, and something was seen to Denora if you think about it! Marcello after the breakdown has climbed aboard the KTM Henry "... to make a few laps ..." (Ed.) Some pilots that if they are found on the side were stunned by the great feeling with the 'Austrian. Unconfirmed reports from the paddock after Marcello if n 'had been declared that "it was clear, I could not keep up! And with a bike that does not know!" Artio not believe his eyes, not Santino. The engine "orange" ran strong and aggressive. Question of new piston or the handle of the pilot? By giving the benefit of the doubt on both hypotheses say that was a beautiful marriage!
As we said before, however, Saturday May 1, rose on the KTM 150, 'friend James. A new bike, still run in it properly. Suspension and a very original setting suitable for the general rider "massive." It matters little, the bike was strong! Once again we wonder if it's the rider to have made "click" or the bike cooler to grant more benefits ... We say again that it is a beautiful pairing! The voices from the stands where they sit, and observe, friends team-mates are being felt: "Look how the bending ago well ... Look at the correct channel, set the curve, and is in it until leaving with the smooth crest of the earth ... "(Mauro dixit) Ciccio seems incredulous ... Even before the brawl: Santino
Cello and decide to make a run together. Marcello really hot while the engine starts immediately in the fourth Sanjo! The pilot on the 'orange' part with half of the track at a disadvantage. After three laps the two latches on 4 times and it takes just to say hello and give test the nerves of the Honda 250! Other 3 laps and Marcello is in front yards and yards. Santino leaves. If this were a fiction ... It would be a dream! But the Lord is the truth! Who c 'era has seen it all and there could also be photographs documenting everything!
From part of Marcello c 'is always the most' of indecision: "I take it ... or do not take it?"
President Mauro is clear: "Marc, it's your bike ... looks like you 's have always had ", friends say nothing but not to put air under the fire and stir up the desire to KTM in 'friend still riding the Verdona!
Only those who will run with us we know more, for the moment be satisfied with this super goodies!

The Management ...