Sunday 9 was held three hours of the race in pairs on the circuit was created specifically to Canda. Just behind a small industrial area was built on 3500 meters of tape that held the audience in suspense and has instead made to sweat (a lot!) Participants! A lap 5 minutes! It takes a big heart and lots of wind, I can guarantee!
However, come to us, our stoic pilots Ciccio and arts have participated in the race to the event by bringing their bikes to the limits of endurance. Identified with the number 1 (and sorry if it is little!) Have not missed out on some of the time of registration! In the morning, therefore, free trials, just one turn to become familiar with the circuit and warm up your muscles before departure.
The track is a very good condition, a soft and tough terrain with curves where the supports guaranteed a 'good mileage and above all fun!
Curve, so many curves and some "hump" similar to that found in the ski jump were cross bread for those three hours, but must were straight from the fifth full! To be able to go strong to the curve that followed was surely not difficult ... The hard part was "as strong"! It touched 100 km / h only tell you that! They start with the full
our drivers ... Artio full course part of Heineken while Ciccio is limited to 'grams on intake of grams of creatine in the week before the race! Details!
From start to "dance" that is immediately duetempista the other drivers leaning on the first corner "doubtful" in doubt, reverse to "get it wider and spans the pile.
for him too but there's trouble in the stretch of the "grove" (away from the camera), a pond flanked by network offers little room to pass, especially because the channel now blends have revealed the roots of trees and stones. The flag-waver is not so much concerned to report any falls but always prepares the camera to capture the unfortunate crash of the rider! Ciccio
passes the paddock, raise your hand, the signal: "Artio prepared!"

Honda rider turns on the tractor and prepares well.
And here is one of the most exciting moments of this competition: the change! A series of moves that must be perfectly synchronized: who waits stretching his arm to remove the hook with witness, who descends from the round stops in position favorable to his companion who waits, then tripping, hooking their bike and go full throttle for the next 20 minutes!

A sequence that is almost always cause for panic and rushed between the two motorcyclists! There is calm, all is "breathing down his neck" in those moments!

Artio also starts to throttle and sling in his 250 from its best!

Mouthfuls thrilling gas, backfires limiter on the straights and endless! It 'nice to see how a race, out of our habits, the participants make them smile so much! Is tired true, but in those panting is the whole spirit of modern life in motion, cross in our case!

The public seems to appreciate a lot and no shortage of fans at the track by encouraging, cheering, scolding and so on and so forth! The family is involved in these events, especially!

Being enduro riders will also see the official team and handle ... Eh! They have so much! There also were broken, or the inconvenience! The rudimentary to straighten a bent exhaust pipe would scare (if not turn the stomach) to a motorcycle maniac! We saw tire levers leverage on the engine to straighten the 'expansion!
But luckily there 'who is merely at the click of difference with the classic screwdriver!

were also seen so many bikes, especially bikes: the 250 2 days of the '90s! A few daring made them roar for a good 3 hours, music to our ears!

Our two runners change every 20 minutes ... But his strength began to fail and sometimes the 'error strikes! Leans on the ground or off the bike. Little things, but it goes on! Stubborn, to the end of the round at least!

Arrives Marcello to act as moral supporter and "mechanical" ... Its task is indeed to hold the bike rider who has removed from the round and then pay for his supplies and set up for the next round. Some even committed to making pictures: Elena is always at the TOP!

extremely happy, although they destroyed the two RF Team finish the race finishing in 12th place overall, not bad for the novices in this kind of competition! But the thing that matters is the pork that the bar is cutting a ribbon! Artio he jumps on me greedy ... Ciccio had aprofittato the succulent sandwich at lunch ... That's why he wanted to start and close the competition! The team orders were that he should begin to end the companion on the 4-stroke ...

But no ... zanzarino sang the 125 till the end!

Good both for the obstinacy proved, 's commitment and strength! Do not underestimate the 'good example of "living the competition" with the unmistakable style of the Red Flames!

Greetings to all you readers cybernauts, the next one!
The Management ...
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