Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Does Gonorrhea Lay Dormant?

Open Letter to the mother of a gay prime minister

your facebook Circolo di questa lettera aperta di a gay mother, eat if definisce Rita De Santis, Silvio Berlusconi Rivolta.

"Signor Presidente Scriver corretta come vorrei nel mio stile è purtroppo non posso ma di tutto Perchè sconfinato the Italian Vocabulary disposizione che l'ho parola only urge sui miei che è polpastrelli: shame on you! Shame on you

have uttered those infamous words to the gay and that she should rule the country is overwhelmed by trash, mud, unemployment. But perhaps

garbage, mud and hunger are a product that suits his way of doing politics and its characters seek the consent of that part of the Italians who want to imitate but can not.

Beats osteria not the government!

And if by chance she had forgotten to go to the minors, as is the preserve is a crime in the country in which she is President of the Council.

I have a gay son and I am proud and like me many parents are in spite of his statements and that it enjoys with the consent of Parliament and at a certain part of the Holy Mother Church.

I hope that enlightened Europe and has made the gay pride sanction know where I can just try not to make her re-election again. Rita De Santis


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