Friday, April 30, 2010

Waterproof Watch Walkie

Zahia, birthday gift

Ribery continues the soap opera, with special very spicy. The risk for the player, not añadir the world is always higher

Zahia , with the joven que el futbol francés Franck Ribéry supuestamente mantuvo Relaciones sexuales cuando menor she was, says in an interview in 'Paris Match' to their "services" were hired for the 26 birthday of the player.

Ribery's story is different. "I had booked a luxury hotel in Munich. We had a sexual relationship and I paid" says the girl was noting that the French international who requested it and that he was unaware that he was 17. Zahia, of Algerian origin, that Ribery saw two more times, most recently late last year, and cost receive money from the part of the Bayern Munich player but finally paid. also admits that the former football players with which it maintained was the Karim Benzema Madrid, whom he met at a nightclub in 2008 and with whom he maintained a relationship of payment when she was younger but, like Ribery, know the age of the girl . The latter denies the facts to which she replies, "What interest do I have to lie?" There are witnesses who saw us together. So I could not deny to the police. "

"I always look older than I am and when I realized that men like I said, 'Why not take advantage? '" said Zahia, who turned 18 last February, and not the police hid claims 2,000 euros for a "night of love." Asked about how he behaved to her, she replied: "I gave him what he wanted. It was particularly attentive and polite, or even very nice." The girl insists that is not a prostitute but a "girl friendly" because it does not expect its customers "on the sidewalk" but she leaves the party and get proposals, so it refuses to rely on a network of procurement.

, a few weeks of the start of the World, was uncovered after the dismantling of an alleged prostitution ring operating in premises in the vicinity of the Paris Champs-Elysees, Zaman coffee, but the girl says he has "nothing to do with the people who were in that place. "After the media harassment, Zahia admits he is" a bit lost "about his future and believes he is going to leave everything, her dream is to open a beauty parlor.

How Long Until Cat Allergy Symptoms Disappear?

Revolution Vince on Twitter

fonte w

Thrilled with the expectation that has led its foray into the cyberworld, the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, invited "all revolutionaries" to use the network Twitter social "for the ideological battle" between them to their allies, the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Cuban leader Fidel Castro, A tool that the president was joined on Tuesday in order to cope with criticism by the opposition on the Net "is ringing again, is hot, put on ice," Chavez ordered humor one of his assistants to realize that he has been informed that "every minute of every 200 new followers" add to your network. Although due to the success of landing on the network, said it will reduce the frequency of your message as "for everything that you throw answered 100,000."

"Evo, I invite you, Fidel, I invite you to put ourselves in these networks to send messages and receive them, too. We to the ideological battle in all areas; revolution in all areas! "he said on Thursday along with his Bolivian counterpart, an official visit to Venezuela.

If before writing his first message on Twitter Chávez had about 4,000 followers, after two days @ chavezcandanga has more than 106,000 faithful who have been reading the second message, words that has ensured that he writes: "Hello my dear Candangueros and Candangueras. This has been an unexpected explosion. Gracias.Thanks. Now Evo Barinas. Venceremos! ".

99% of the messages received are" Greetings, reflection and humor, but also some mail from victims of hate "who" criticize me and others insult me, "he admitted." But what matters to me if a contact with the world! "said .

also addressed a few words to those who have criticized him for joining the tool using a "capitalist." Someone said that Chavez is a capitalist because he uses this weapon, this is not capitalist or socialist, which depends on the use give, "he cried, before remembering that his Government had declared of national interest Internet. Although Chavez arrived two months ago to qualify this network of" instrument of terrorism. "

Thursday, April 29, 2010

China Custom, Tax For Cosmetics

Inter, Barcelona takes it slightly wrong that Laporta

Vince Inter, Barcelona but they take it pretty bad.

citations due to the various European newspapers, which objectively analyze the game like .... not soccer.

obvious discussions on Jose Mourinho (strange).

source www.

Toda prensa internacional if the hare eco de eliminación the Barça ante el Inter de Milán en semifinales de la Liga de Campeones . Is inevitable, whether for better or worse, talking about José Mourinho . Still, most acknowledge the Portuguese media as the great architect of the classification of neroazzurro club.

In England, 'The Times' speaks of "dirty tricks, shock, and victory, in another working day for 'The Special'"-the nickname with which called itself the very Mourinho when coaching Chelsea. tabloid 'The Sun' begins his chronicle with a significant lead: "Zero times. Cero football and continues esmentando to 'Mou', 'pure theater, but there is no doubt that the results often speak for him, "adds the newspaper.

French press highlighted the "great defensive game," Inter Milan's Jose Mourinho. "Barca, the streets," headlined 'L'Equipe' , highlighting the success of the defense strategy of an Inter "inspired by the Portuguese coach's philosophy." 'Le Figaro' speaks of "achievement" while newspaper 'Le Parisien' stresses that "It will be Inter-Bayern", after which defined as "the most beautiful defeat of Mourinho." The daily also 'Libération' picks victory in Italy: "The Inter continues on his way to Madrid", which notes that the Milan team was "indestructible" in the Camp Nou.

The "wall" built by José Mourinho, but also the "heart" of his pupils were the keys, according to Italian media. "Inter glory wall" label the 'Gazzetta dello Sport' , Milan daily. On the internal talks about "Epic Inter" and describes the meeting of Inter as "a night trench "in reference to" wall up "by the Portuguese coach. 'Corriere dello Sport' opens with" Inter heroic "and explains how the Milan team" fearlessly resisted "at Barcelona.

" Inter remarkable tactical lesson returns to the final of the Champions League 38 years later "the sports daily highlighted 'A Bola' in Portugal. daily 'Record' , by hand, points out that the "lesson of Mourinho, the best in the world, fell to the Nou Camp" and stressed that "the Inter took a bath ball but he did what he should

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Direct Tv Dvr How To Clear History

missile mou

Mourinho andartene dall'italia Perchè vuoi dove tutti per un tuo esultano starnuto, when in Europe you rispondono così? Mai apprezzato Joan La Porta, ma questa volta si è Difesa per Benin.


Joan Laporta was quick to respond to José Mourinho, who said Tuesday that Barcelona is obsessed with winning the Champions League at the Bernabeu for his antimadridismo. Barcelona president did not hesitate: "We are not obsessive, anyone who wants psychologist attributed shoddy skills, beyond it, what we have is a challenge and a great illusion. "

addition, Laporta assumed by the environment that has developed between the fans to support the team." I never in the history of Barcelona had been an atmosphere like this before of a party, "he said before the food is held between the directives of Barcelona and Inter.

Maximum Barca president wanted to take the pressure off the players and coaching staff." Whatever the result, players and Coach deserves a standing ovation after the match. The players will give everything to reach the final and is a great challenge, "he said.


the part of the food to Directivas acudieron Moratti y Luis Figo, entre otros. Ambos llegaron mismo time at the Hotel Majestic. El portugués fue recibido with Gritos de "Traidor" y "pesetero" por un grupo de aficionados.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Lowell,ma

Ultras from parliament

approved the bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Russia to extend for another 25 years the stay of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, namely in the port of Sevastopol . A sign the accord, the presidents of both countries, Victor Yanukovich and Dmitri Medvedev, Russia will be Florrie so until 2042 compared to the previous agreement that saw the expiration date in 2017.
Well say that the choice of the Ukrainian President grandmother had much success among its MPs: ready to brawl broke out in parliament, at least three smoke bombs were thrown and a lot of eggs at the President of the Rada, Vladimir Litvin, who has taken refuge behind the umbrellas to defend against launches from Members.
It is said that Maroni has already prepared for the press conference for Parliamentary DASPO ....

Los Parlamentos de Ucrania y Rusia han ratificado para el Acuerdo bilateral prolong the permanencia otros 25 años de la flota rusa del mar en el puerto Negro Ukrainian Sevastopol, which expires in 2017. The Ukrainian-Russian agreement, signed last day 21 by the presidents of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, and Russia, Dmitri Medvedev, guarantees the permanence of the Russian naval base on Ukrainian territory until 2042, with an extension option for another five years.

Immediately after the announcement of the results of the vote in the Rada, deputies of the ruling Party of Regions and the opposition Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc got into a fight. At least three smoke bombs flew towards the table of the President of the Rada and the stand reserved for members of the Cabinet of Ministers, where at the beginning of the session had already been recorded fights.

addition, two smoke bombs forced several members to leave the room after opening the doors do not help to ventilate the premises. Several opponents also threw eggs at the President of the Rada Vladimir Litvin, who was protected with an umbrella. Meanwhile, outside manifest several thousand people, supporters and opponents of the pact with Russia.

stay order for the agreement ratified by at least 226 lawmakers in the 450 that make up the Ukrainian unicameral parliament had to decide in favor of it. The Supreme Rada (Ukrainian parliament) has ratified with 236 votes.

The Supreme Rada session started last 10.00 am local time (07.00 GMT) and was held concurrently with that of the State Duma (Lower House of Russia) in Moscow, which went quite normally. As expected, the Duma also ratified the agreement without problems, which guarantees the permanence of the Russian fleet in the Ukrainian port until 2042.

Before the vote, the Duma applause greeted the announcement of the ratification by the Ukrainian Parliament. The signing of the agreement with Russia has allowed Ukraine to access a 30% discount on the purchase of Russian natural gas, which the Ukrainian authorities have been valued at 40,000 million dollars. Boycott

The Ukrainian opposition had called for a boycott of the naval base agreement, signed in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov by the presidents of both countries, as unconstitutional and an attack on the sovereignty of Ukraine. "I have the conviction that now society and political forces are aware of the need to defend Ukraine," said the former prime minister and opposition leader, Yulia Timoshenko, following the signing of Ukrainian-Russian agreement.

The Russian Black Sea fleet includes fifty-armored warships, frigates, submarines and minesweepers, and nearly a hundred planes, while the base of Sevastopol is home to 18,500 personnel, including military and technical, Además de sus familiares.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Canoe Hire Pembrokeshire

After Greece, Spain? Early signals from the large Iberian country

over one million unemployed among people with more than 45 years.

duplicate unemployment came down to 13.4%

Men who for more than a year looking for work.

after Greece, Spain?


Madrid .- El paro es la consecuencia más visible y damaging the economic crisis in Spain. More than four million people are unemployed, and of these, a quarter, 1,038,500, more than 45 years.

is the first time in Spain that the unemployed in this age group exceeded the one million barrier, which stood the unemployment rate of 13.4% collective in the fourth quarter of 2009, more than double what marked before the start of the crisis, in the third quarter of 2007, when he was at 5.9%, according to a study by Agettes, the Association of Temporary Employment Department.

According to the report, the group of over 45 has absorbed 24.7% of jobs destroyed (625,300 out of 2,534,700). Nevertheless, it is one of the groups most active in seeking work and what makes a rate of 3% compared to -0.4% which marks the rest of the population.

However, in this work are faced with the obstacle that represents the low level of employability of this group , "due to factors ranging from lack of knowledge to bring about pay too high ", as stated in the study.

Agettes President, Francisco Aranda, believes that" it is now more than ever necessary when actual active policies to help adapt to business profiles business demands. "

male who has spent over a year looking

standing on profile dominates over 45 years the figure of a man who has spent over 12 months looking for work. Men represent 56 % of total (580,500), compared to 44%, which represents women (466 500).

However, the outlook is bleak for those who have passed this age, judging from the analysis of Agettes. The activity rate of the group increases gradually to stand at 41%, while the employment rate continues to decline, reaching 35.5% before the crisis when the employment rate was 36.6%, which causes almost a direct strike.

words, "on a net basis and generally, those entering the workforce do so directly to unemployment .

For communities, La Rioja is the most affected, as during the crisis has generated 84.5% of all unemployed people over 45 who are in the region. Followed Baleares (82.8%), Castilla-La Mancha (73.5%), Canary Islands (72.3%) and Madrid (67.7%).

contrast, Extremadura has been the autonomy where there has been little impact, since it has generated 38% of newly unemployed people over 45 years of Extremadura total of 27,900 unemployed who belong to this age group.

However, Extremadura is one of the communities with unemployment rates of over 45 higher, with 16.9%, second only to the Canary Islands (21.3%) and Andalucía (20, 9%). Facing them, Navarra and the Basque Country had the lowest unemployment rate for this group, with 6.9% and 7.2% respectively.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Latest Ernie Draw Date


For those interested, there is a Sunday, 09/05 pairs up to three hours to tape Bagnolo di Po (RO).
Those interested can leave a response, so do couples.
For more information:

The link does not work, please copy paste ...


Does The Jergens Foam Clog Pores

Revenge of the Bull.


The matador José Tomás has suffered a severe groin caught in its early Sunday (GMT English) in the traditional fair of San Marcos in Aguascalientes in central Mexico, during the fight of his second bull, named Navigator. The gore has been very important, 15 cm, the matador is in "serious." His life has come to be at risk, but recent suggest that information is no longer in danger, although there are concerns about how your body reacts to blood loss and transfusions. The right-hander has been operated for three hours in the Plaza Monumental de San Marcos. Practitioners rely on the recovery of right by their youth and vitality. The next press conference will take place at 19.00, CET English. Traduzione
free, insomma ..
Il Matador José Tomás has a serious incornata subito nella tradizionale "feria de San Marcos in Aguascalientes, nel Messico center, da suo secondo aprte the bull, di nome" Navegante.
The gore was very deep, well 15 cm and the status of matador is defined serious and he risked his life.

short, Sometimes, there is the revenge of the bull

Twins 3rd Birthday Party

Serie A: Results 35th day

Advance Saturday, April 24:

Atalanta 3-1 Inter 5'pt Tiribocchi, 24'pt Milito, 35 'Mariga, 33'st Chivu)

Palermo Milan 3 -1 (8'pt Bovo, 18'pt Hernandez, 19'st Seedorf, Miccoli 24'st)

Sunday, April 25:

Siena Udinese 4-1 (19'pt Pepe, Calaiò 40'pt, 42 'pt Pepe, 16'st Sachez, 36'pt Di Natale (pen)

Juventus - Bari 3-0 (8'st Iaquinta, Del Piero 24'st (pen), 41'st Iaquinta)

Chievo Fiorentina 0-2 (Pellissier 9'st, 30'st Sardo)

Genoa Lazio 1-2 (8'pt Palacio, 25'st Dias, 32'st Floccari)

Catania Livorno 3 - 1 (5'st Lucarelli, 15'st Bellucci 21 'st Bergvold, 42'st Maxi Lopez)

Bologna Parma 2-1 (23'pt Bibiany, 38'pt, 5'st Vaio)

Napoli Cagliari 0-0

Rank: Inter 73, Roma 71, Milan 64, 58 Palermo, Sampdoria 57, Juventus 54, Naples 53, Genoa 48, Fiorentina 46, Parma 46, Chievo 44, 43 Bari, Cagliari 42, 42 Udinese, Catania 40, Lazio 40, 39 Bologna, Atalanta 34, Siena 30, Livorno 29
(Rome and Sampdoria a game in hand)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cadillac Snowflake Button

Cleveland steamroller, Utah

the night for the Cavs NBA routine governing the Bulls with a 102 112 no stories. This time, James decided to put higher gears, an emblematic 40 points 8 rebounds, 8 assists, which leaves little to say except that maybe even if they shoot him stop this new alien. For the Bulls increases the contribution of Rose 33 and 8 assists, while agosnista Noah, son of the legendary tennis player and author of the sentence (less desirable) "Cleveland really sucks," replies the fans to boo a test with a capital of 25 and 13. It will be nice to see his fight with Anderson Varejao, players do not like the hair or the defense, but used a little 'improper use of the elbow.

The other race of the night sees the victory of Utah at Pepsi Center against the Denver Nuggets favorites. Without Okur, out all season, and AK47 Kirilenko, the jazz Mormons (sorry but I can not resist one of the largest doppisensi American sports history) rely on polite and experienced hands of Deron Williams, maybe when the strongest play in the NBA, which offers a game by 33 points and 14 assists. The challenge, finished 114-111, is a real battle, so much so that in the first quarter Anthony (32 6 4) test with a terminal to stop the foul play from Illinois. The play is out of range, it takes up and carries her to victory, helped by Boozer's 20, 18 and 17 Miles of Millsap. Also great contribution to the (moral) of Fesenko nailing a dunk in the face of Martin and shut up in front of his audience.
decisive in the final two errors on the distance of the two bombs Billups erring equilibrium, while the other front decisive bomb California's most beautiful NBA, Kyle Korver to the crazy and women who sometimes remembers being a deadly shooter

results night:

BULLS - CAVALIERS 102 -112 ( Cleveland leads 2-0)
(Noah 25, 23 Rose, Deng 20, James 40)

JAZZ - NUGGETS 114 to 111 (Series tied 1-1)
(Williams 33, Boozer 20, Millsap 18 ; Anhony 32, Nene 18, Billups 17)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nerf Decorations For Party

Belli draws the rich and the vice.

say clearly. all the world goes to hell. And has already released the first name, that of Frank Ribery, who was unaware of the age of the girl without her knowledge.


PARIS (France), April 19, 2010 - Franck Ribery in the eye of the storm is over the red light of the scandal that is likely to create further difficulties for the French national in the World Cup. The playmaker Bayern Monaco, in fact, was one of the regular customers of an escort of luxury at the time of the first services was a minor. Ribery, of course, denies having been aware of. In addition to the former Marseille, investigators have questioned as a "person informed of the facts," Sydney Govou, Lyon right wing of tomorrow faces Bayern Monaco in the Champions League semi-final. Other national could be involved in the investigation.

Ribery's lawyer admits half-words to the involvement of his client speaking, in a statement released last night by RMC radio, to "deal that in the worst case, however, concerns his private life ". More cautious to Govou who merely states that the player is not involved in any system of prostitution. " If it were established that Ribery had been aware of the age of his escort, the exterior of Bayern risk up to three years in prison and a fine of € 45 thousand. And above all, to risk career and married life. Ribery is given to leave for Real Madrid. Reason? The wife, for which the Frenchman converted to Islam, wants to live in a sunnier country.

All the luxury of prostitutes around revolved around a night club of Elysian, the Zaman. A place where he acted a certain Abou, thirty from the unbridled ambitions unexpected television, which was intended as an intermediary between comely girls, often of North African origin, and VIP clients. Including, of course Ribery that would begin to diligently attend a prostitute a minor, of Moroccan origin, coming to pay his travel to Germany on private jets. Govou, however, have used the services of the same when it was already an adult escort. The prostitution ring dismantled by prosecutor André Dando led to the arrest of four people, including Abu.

Some sites in the French press yesterday evening, already gave too involved for the Real Madrid striker, Karim Benzema, but his attorney denies today talking about mistaken identity. Maybe with the Marseille playmaker Hatem Ben Arfa to Arsenal and Samir Nasri. All national or odor of the national players. Another problem for France as it prepares to face the World led by a coach hated by the public. The Man in the red light, if it would not have penal consequences, certainly consolidate the break already consumed between supporters and "roosters".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Often Do The Brazilian Wax

Japan Travel - Tips for organizing your trip

Good morning everyone. I am here today to begin to tell you of my trip around Japan (24 days). Meanwhile
to start, some knowledge practice.
are playing with a friend, traveling with Japan Airlines, Alitalia aircraft, flight round trip € 464.00 total paid up, from London Heathrow to Tokyo Narita, direct.
We're talking about a flight that lasted 12 hours, carried out entirely at night, so we were served dinner and breakfast, and shipped directly to sleep. The cast included 8 hours lost due to us (there was no daylight saving time though).
landed at Narita Airport here buy the day pass for unlimited use of JR lines in Tokyo meters. Why here? Narita airport because it is cheaper. 980 yen to run for two consecutive days from the date on which you validate your pass (which then can be 3 days later, so to speak). Please note that this ticket will not let you turn on the lines of private Metro (which are 4), but you can get everywhere easily even with the JR lines. Then take the ticket to the Keisei Limited Express , always the cheapest, 1000 yen, which will take us into town, and more precisely to the Ueno station. From there we get to our hotel by metro. A note: Do not take just the ticket for the Limited Express for the return, because our use at the time was found to be out of date (and had spent only 24 days).
Here you will find lots of information on the subway

Then, it is essential if you have time and want TRAVEL for Japan, and then move, use the JR pass , which you can travel freely (without taking the Nozomi train or private ones) in the train without limits. Book more places, the service is free. The price of the pass depends on the currency, however you can book travel agency with 15 days in advance. We booked in Milan, at Mae International Travel and we were fine.
These prices are updated in April 2010, with a decided disadvantage in the euro against the yen. 20 (% ON 20sito)% 20.pdf
In Tokyo there are several metro stations where you can change the voucher booked in Italy: Tokyo Station, Ueno, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro , Shibuya, Yokohama and Nagoya. Visit your Japan Rail Pass exchange office of the station that you're most comfortable with passport in hand and within minutes you'll have your pass.

We were seven days in Tokyo (and we saw everything on time, with quiet, and unfortunately a lot of rain. It would have been enough even in less than 2, with a better climate), then we introduced the JR pass and we traveled for 14 days. Keep in mind that in many cities you can travel with JR Pass (for Osaka, the Loop Line) to move through local trains. In Tokyo one day use the bus, is comfortable and takes you anywhere, it only costs 500 yen per day. A
Nikko, the large number of temples, take the ticket cumulative.

COUNCIL: If you travel and go to Kyoto and Nikko avoid spending money to see temples in Tokyo, what is really worth is the Senso-ji Temple, Asakusa, and it's free. In Kyoto and Nikko you will see many more beautiful!

And here follows my travel plans : Wednesday 03/03/10

Flights from London Heathrow, Terminal 1, 19.30 € 464.00
Alitalia Flight No 7786, operated by Japan Airlines.

Thursday 04/03/10

Arrive Tokyo Narita Airport, Terminal 2, 15.30. Make
metro ticket for two days without 980 Yen € 7.5
Get the Keisei Limited Express to reach Tokyo. 1000 Yen € 7.7

Bring your luggage to the hotel Kaosan Original Tokyo. Dormitory 4 people per room, no elevator, including the Internet, (no towel, costs 300 yen) on HostelBookers. 2200 € 16.45 yen Friday 05/03/10

visit Tokyo.

Shinjuku west, with government offices in Tokyo, Sumitomo Skyscraper.

Nakano Broadway shopping area should not miss if you're into manga and anime. Get off at Shin-Nakano station meters and ask your staff the station, the road, once detected, is always straight.

From Tokyo Metropolitan Office, you can enjoy a panoramic view for free (up to 22 hours).
Meiji Shrine (free, or just outside, open 6:40 am - 16.00). Upon payment of the garden. Move in
Shibuya district.

Hotel Kaosan Original 2200 Yen Tokyo € 16.45

Saturday 06/03/10

Subscription € 5.5 meters daily 710 yen

Visit the Roppongi district, walk in Hibiya Park to see the cherry blossoms.
Shiba Park and Tokyo Tower (150 m 820 yen 600 yen 250 m), open 9:00 to 21:30 hours 820 Yen € 6.3

Hotel Kaosan Original 2200 Yen Tokyo € 16.45

Sunday 07/03/10
Metropolitana, loose price € 3

Visit the neighborhood of Harajuku to see the cosplayers. Visit to the Yasukuni Shrine
(cute, but nothing that is in a museum payment)
If you want, look for the Nippon Budokan, near the park Kitanomaru (careful, the park cost?)
If you like, visit the Gardens Koishikawa Korakuen (p. 73), hours 9:00 to 17:00 300 yen € 2.3
Jinbocho, district libraries. See
Kanda Myojin Shrine outside the (cute, but nothing that is in a museum for a fee).
Then go to Akihabara, the electronics district.

Hotel Kaosan Original 2200 Yen Tokyo € 16.45

08/03/10 Monday

Metropolitana, loose price € 3

Visit the Imperial Palace (free entrance at 10.00), perhaps to pay the gardens (P. 71).
Visit the Marunouchi district (p. 70) and the inside of the Tokyo International Forum (p. 71).

Visit Ginza (p. 66-67) and see out the Kabuki-za Theater.

Hotel Kaosan Original 2200 Yen Tokyo € 16.45

Tuesday 09/03/10

Metropolitana, loose price € 3
Visit the Tsukiji fish market.
Visit the Gardens of Palazzo Hama (p. 3). 9:00 to 17:00. 300 yen € 2.3
Visit the Ueno Park (p. 78-79) and Mercaro Ameyoko.
Visit the Senso-ji Temple, free, 6:30 to 17:00 hours.

Hotel Kaosan Original 2200 Yen Tokyo € 16.45

10/03/10 Wednesday

visit Yokohama (p. 132-133)

Transfer to Yokohama. 450 Yen € 3.5
Lookout Tower (building + up in Jap, lift 750 m / min) 700 Yen € 5.4
Bridge Yokohama Chinatown with Kantea-byo Temple, and the Minato Mirai 21 area

Hostel Yokohama port 2210 Yen € 16.45

Thursday 11/03/10 Day 1 JR Pass.

Active in Yokohama Japan Rail Pass. Transfer to Matsumoto. Visit

Matsumoto (p. 151)

11.30 Arrival in Matsumoto (Yokohama hours starting from 8.00).
Visit the castle and the Museum of Japanese folklore. 600 Yen € 4.6

Overnight at the Hotel New Station. 3350 Yen € 25.0

Friday 12/03/10 Day 2 JR Pass.

Departure Station JR Matusmoto 7:05 am.

12:54 hours Arrival in Hiroshima.

visit Hiroshima (p. 214-215)
Hiroshima is visited on foot, is concentrated. Interesting
the underground city of shops.
Visit Peace Park.
Hiroshima Castle View from outside. Overnight at the
Backpapers Hostel K's House Hiroshima (sleeping 4 people) 2700 yen € 20.19

Saturday 13/03/10 Day 3 JR Pass.

Visit Miyajima Island (p. 216-217)

Ferry Free with the JR pass. Visit Itsukushima Shrine, 8:00 to 17:00 300 yen € 2.3
Visit the path to walk out in the guide.
Departure at 16:55 from Hiroshima to Nagasaki.

20:25 hours Arrival at Nagasaki, Nagasaki Ebisu overnight at HY. 3100 € 23.18 yen

Sunday 14/03/10 Day 4 JR Pass.

Visit Nagasaki (p. 240-243)

Visit the Peace Park, free, Chinatown (Shinchi district), the bridge of his glasses.

If you have time, see the Sanctuary of the 26 martyrs.

Overnight at Nagasaki Ebisu HY. 3100 € 23.18 yen

15/03/10 Monday 5th day JR Pass.

07.30 Departure to Beppu.

11:27 am Arrive in Beppu. Visit

Beppu (p. 240-243)
Visit the Hot Spring Spa (entrance ticket in all 9, cost 2000 yen. If you also the ticket for bus travel freely one day, it is essential and costs 900 yen The ticket will cost 1800 yen for hotsprings).

Overnight at the Spa Hotel Khaosan Beppu. 2500 € 18.69 yen

Tuesday 16/03/10 6 Day JR Pass.

Depart for Osaka (with some changes, you can leave every hour, just change to Kokura and Shinosaka) 08.18 hours.

Visit Osaka (p. 200-203)

Arrive in the early afternoon (12:37 pm). Searching for Okonomiyaki and views of downtown. Overnight at Hotel Taiyo

€ 13.45

Wednesday 17/03/10 7 Day JR Pass.

View of the castle (which would cost 600 yen, but it is bad because it set up in a museum).
Village Tenpozan sull'Umeda Hanging Garden and Observatory Sky Building. Overnight at Hotel Taiyo

€ 13.45

Thursday 18/03/10 Day 8 JR Pass.

Visit to Himeji Castle (p. 206-209) (in days)
Departure from Osaka at 8:20 am, arriving in Himeji (direct JR) hours 9.32)
the station asking for directions at the information, there is a place where they give free bicycles for hire nearby.
Open 9:00 to 16:00, 600 Castle yen, 720 yen castle and garden. 600 yen € 4.6
finished with the castle, pick up their luggage at the station and trasferisciti in Kyoto.

Overnight at Hotel Taiyo (Osaka) € 13.45

Friday 19/03/10 Day 9 JR Pass.

Visit Nara (p. 190-197) (in days)

Visit Shin-Yakushi-ji Temple, just do not know whether in or out (9:00 to 17:00). 500 Yen € 3.8
Visit the Exhibition Naramachi and Kofuku-ji Temple (free, 9:00 to 17:00 hours).
300 yen (Tokondo Hall), ¥ 500 (Kokuhokan - The Kofukuji National Treasure House)
Visit the Temple Todai-ji, which has a 15 meter high statue of Buddha.
8:00 to 17:00. 500 € 3.8
Yen Yen 500 (for each of the Daibutsuden Hall, Sangatsudo Kaidanin Hall and Hall).
Kasuga Grand Shrine (free, paid 420 yen museum, gardens and 525 yen), 9:00 to 16:00.
Feeding the deer in the park.
Isui-en Gardens, Yen 650, closed on Tuesday? € 5 650 yen

Overnight at Hotel Taiyo (Osaka) € 13.45

Saturday 20/03/10 Day 10 JR Pass.

Move with the JR Pass

To get to Kyoto, with the JR Special Rapid Service train, leave every 15 minutes, time spent 29-30 MINUTES)

Visit Kyoto (p. 154-185)
Put down your bags at the hotel.
Day excursions. Visit
Arashiyama District (p. 176) and its Togetsu-kyo (bridge of the moon).
Fushimi Shrine Visit (p. 179).
Move with the JR Pass

Overnight at Sakura House 2500 yen € 18.7

Sunday 21/03/10 Day 11: JR Pass.
Move by bus (500 yen)

See Temples Nishi and Higashi Hongan-ji free, 5:30 to 17:30
See Shrine Kitano Tenman-gu free. 5:30 to 17:30. See
Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) 400 Yen € 3
See Ninna-ji Temple (temple free treasure room 500 Yen you can avoid)
Myoshin-ji Temple in (set of 47 temples, Free)
Koryu-ji Temple ? Sakura House

Overnight at 2500 yen € 18.7

22/03/10 Monday Day 12 JR Pass.
Move by bus (500 yen)

See Toji Temple outside (500 yen, but you can not enter buildings, they can also be seen from outside). See
Sanjusangen-do Temple (Temple of the 1001 statues of Kannon gold) 9:00 to 16:00 600 yen € 4.6
See the Yasaka Pagoda and Ryozen Kannon out (free), the Sanctuary Yasaka (free).
See Chion-in Temple with enormous bell tolling of the 108 year-end (9:00 to 16:10). € 3 400 yen
See Shoren temple outside-in (cost 500 yen)
Make walking the philosopher (p. 170) at sunset. Sakura House

Overnight at 2500 yen € 18.7

23/03/10 Tuesday, 13 Day JR Pass.
Move by bus (500 yen)

Visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace (10:00 am, free, compulsory BOOKING through site several days before). Nijo Castle
600 Yen € 4.6
Departure at 17:29 from Kyoto, arriving at 20.10 in Tokyo.

Overnight at the Khaosan Ninja 3000 Yen € 22.5

24/03/10 Wednesday, 14 Day JR Pass.

Departure from Tokyo at 7:16 am, arriving in Nikko 9:08 hours.
Visit Nikko (in days)

Combined ticket for entrance to the Tosho-gu Shrine, Rinno-ji, and Futurasan Taiyuin Byo-1000 Yen € 7.7
Visit sites listed above (all 8:00 to 16:00) and Shinkyo Bridge.
Return to Tokyo by train at 18:21 (arrival at 20:16) or 19:03 hours (arrival at 20:48).

Overnight at the Khaosan Ninja 3000 Yen € 22.5

Thursday 25/03/10

Subscription meters daily 710 yen overnight at € 5.5
Khaosan Ninja 3000 Yen € 22.5
Visit international fair of the soul.

Friday 26/03/10

Tokyo Narita Airport Transfer, Terminal 2, with the Keisei Limited Express. 1000 yen with € 7.7
Return Flight No Alitalia 7787, at 12.00, arriving at London Heathrow, Terminal 1, 16.30.




follow them!

not ever gently blow your nose in public, bow and apologize if you bump someone, not dirty, do not shout, kick off your shoes when in the hotel, and wash well before entering the onsen (and yes, the bathroom is BARE , though with other people of your sex).

FOOD, economic life: At least once
giratoio Sushi needs to be tested (we've found a number of flights to Osaka), as well as Okonomiyaki (Frittatone inside with everything and more, very diffused in Osaka (near island Tenpozan) and Kyoto, the Takoyaki (octopus balls filled with red-hot).
In every supermarket you will find boxes of instant noodles, just add boiling water and in two minutes are prepared. Each store has its own microwave and kettles in which you can help. Also, there is a kind of deli where you can sample Yakitori (skewered chicken), Nikuman (see photo, loaves of bread stuffed DO NOT take the ones with jam in the chestnuts that are horrible, the others have pork, chicken or beef with tomato and are all good) and many other specialty breaded and fried.

these are also very cheap.
Remember that you pay less often in restaurants for lunch and dinner and more.
addition, there are several economic chains such as Yoshinoya and Sukiya, to eat a full meal and really sbaltante with 3-4 €. To see the

photos of my trip, or even request information does not specify on this blog as well as practical, richiedetemi friendship on Facebook indicating he had seen the blog and you want to access the photos on Japan.