over one million unemployed among people with more than 45 years.
duplicate unemployment came down to 13.4%
Men who for more than a year looking for work.
after Greece, Spain?
source: www.elmundo.es
Madrid .- El paro es la consecuencia más visible y damaging the economic crisis in Spain. More than four million people are unemployed, and of these, a quarter, 1,038,500, more than 45 years.
is the first time in Spain that the unemployed in this age group exceeded the one million barrier, which stood the unemployment rate of 13.4% collective in the fourth quarter of 2009, more than double what marked before the start of the crisis, in the third quarter of 2007, when he was at 5.9%, according to a study by Agettes, the Association of Temporary Employment Department.
According to the report, the group of over 45 has absorbed 24.7% of jobs destroyed (625,300 out of 2,534,700). Nevertheless, it is one of the groups most active in seeking work and what makes a rate of 3% compared to -0.4% which marks the rest of the population.
However, in this work are faced with the obstacle that represents the low level of employability of this group , "due to factors ranging from lack of knowledge to bring about pay too high ", as stated in the study.
Agettes President, Francisco Aranda, believes that" it is now more than ever necessary when actual active policies to help adapt to business profiles business demands. "
male who has spent over a year looking
standing on profile dominates over 45 years the figure of a man who has spent over 12 months looking for work. Men represent 56 % of total (580,500), compared to 44%, which represents women (466 500).
However, the outlook is bleak for those who have passed this age, judging from the analysis of Agettes. The activity rate of the group increases gradually to stand at 41%, while the employment rate continues to decline, reaching 35.5% before the crisis when the employment rate was 36.6%, which causes almost a direct strike.
words, "on a net basis and generally, those entering the workforce do so directly to unemployment .
For communities, La Rioja is the most affected, as during the crisis has generated 84.5% of all unemployed people over 45 who are in the region. Followed Baleares (82.8%), Castilla-La Mancha (73.5%), Canary Islands (72.3%) and Madrid (67.7%).
contrast, Extremadura has been the autonomy where there has been little impact, since it has generated 38% of newly unemployed people over 45 years of Extremadura total of 27,900 unemployed who belong to this age group.
However, Extremadura is one of the communities with unemployment rates of over 45 higher, with 16.9%, second only to the Canary Islands (21.3%) and Andalucía (20, 9%). Facing them, Navarra and the Basque Country had the lowest unemployment rate for this group, with 6.9% and 7.2% respectively.
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