The matador José Tomás has suffered a severe groin caught in its early Sunday (GMT English) in the traditional fair of San Marcos in Aguascalientes in central Mexico, during the fight of his second bull, named Navigator. The gore has been very important, 15 cm, the matador is in "serious." His life has come to be at risk, but recent suggest that information is no longer in danger, although there are concerns about how your body reacts to blood loss and transfusions. The right-hander has been operated for three hours in the Plaza Monumental de San Marcos. Practitioners rely on the recovery of right by their youth and vitality. The next press conference will take place at 19.00, CET English. Traduzione
free, insomma ..
Il Matador José Tomás has a serious incornata subito nella tradizionale "feria de San Marcos in Aguascalientes, nel Messico center, da suo secondo aprte the bull, di nome" Navegante.
The gore was very deep, well 15 cm and the status of matador is defined serious and he risked his life.
short, Sometimes, there is the revenge of the bull
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