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Thrilled with the expectation that has led its foray into the cyberworld, the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, invited "all revolutionaries" to use the network Twitter social "for the ideological battle" between them to their allies, the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Cuban leader Fidel Castro, A tool that the president was joined on Tuesday in order to cope with criticism by the opposition on the Net "is ringing again, is hot, put on ice," Chavez ordered humor one of his assistants to realize that he has been informed that "every minute of every 200 new followers" add to your network. Although due to the success of landing on the network, said it will reduce the frequency of your message as "for everything that you throw answered 100,000."
"Evo, I invite you, Fidel, I invite you to put ourselves in these networks to send messages and receive them, too. We to the ideological battle in all areas; revolution in all areas! "he said on Thursday along with his Bolivian counterpart, an official visit to Venezuela.
If before writing his first message on Twitter Chávez had about 4,000 followers, after two days @ chavezcandanga has more than 106,000 faithful who have been reading the second message, words that has ensured that he writes: "Hello my dear Candangueros and Candangueras. This has been an unexpected explosion. Gracias.Thanks. Now Evo Barinas. Venceremos! ".
99% of the messages received are" Greetings, reflection and humor, but also some mail from victims of hate "who" criticize me and others insult me, "he admitted." But what matters to me if a contact with the world! "said .
also addressed a few words to those who have criticized him for joining the tool using a "capitalist." Someone said that Chavez is a capitalist because he uses this weapon, this is not capitalist or socialist, which depends on the use give, "he cried, before remembering that his Government had declared of national interest Internet. Although Chavez arrived two months ago to qualify this network of" instrument of terrorism. "
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